A memorial gift or gift in honor of a special person is a thoughtful way to remember someone while at the same time helping Pitzer学院. Celebrate a person’s unique story by establishing a named fund or commemorate a loved one by naming a space or inscribing a plaque on 比萨的 campus. 先进的工作人员随时准备与您的愿望,为您的特殊或纪念礼物.
各种大小的礼物都可以捐献给 Pitzer通用年度奖学金基金 或者是皮泽已经成立的众多年度基金之一, 比如年级奖学金, 实习基金及学生研究奖励基金.
个人或捐赠团体也可以创建一个新的 冠名年度基金 有一个直接的支出目的来支持一个项目, 倡议, 字段组, 项目或其他活动或学术努力每年的基础上. 最初捐献承诺金额为25,000美元或以上,可在五年内捐献. 在此期间, donors will receive a yearly report about how their funds were utilized and the advances for the College thanks to their generosity. 每年至少需要$5,000或更多才能维持一个已设立的冠名年度基金.
通过我们的持续 坐下吧 倡议, 捐赠者可以授予毕业生荣誉, 教授, friend or family member by inscribing a special armchair plaque on a seat in Benson Auditorium—our main venue for music and dance performances, 讲座, 特殊的演讲, 第一年的研讨会等等. 蚀刻成拉丝不锈钢, 您的个性化特别留言, 是否发自内心的, 鼓舞人心还是古怪, 今天会成为我们校园的一部分吗, 以及未来的许多明天. 每个赞助座位是500美元. 请 点击这里 向匹泽学院捐款并提交你想要的铭文. 您提交后不久,我们将与您联系.
比萨的父母, 住在西堂的学生的祖父母和朋友, 2014 Hall or East Hall are invited to sponsor a personalized accolade plaque to be installed on the wood bench in the study niche directly outside their room. This very unique “shout out” is sure to capture a good laugh or smile today and become an important place to visit and remember when returning to campus for 校友 Weekend years from now. 每一项赞助的荣誉,镌刻在一个1英寸× 4英寸的不锈钢牌匾上,价值1000美元. 请 contact the 大学发展办公室 if interested; we will be happy to assist you.
校园里有一些特殊的地方,推荐十大正规网赌网站社区可以 铭记所爱之人 不再和我们在一起了, including the David Bloom Memorial Garden next to the Edythe and Eli Broad Campus Center and the Memorial Grove adjacent to East Hall. Memorial scholarships and other named funds can be established with the assistance of the 大学发展办公室.